Monday, March 30, 2009

03-30-09 Xtream Global Marketing Member News*

From the xtream iChannel: (*aka The Not So Daily News)

Countdown to the Xtream Business Systems launch: 6 days
New Xtream Members Online Business System Back Office rolls out this coming week!
Rich Parker of Varisearch is putting the final touches on the back end software which will support our upcoming Xtream Global Members Site and Digital Products Library. It will completely replace the two scripts currently in place. Besides managing the upcoming Affiliate Matrix, it will also handle the free members, manage a fully searchable Products Library database, and have portals for company news, gateways to other venues (like VS-Ten for example), and will support banner and text advertising features! A future portal will be an in-house email/messaging system so business builders can communicate with their downline as well as share other information to one another.

All Systems are a Go:
It appears that most of our services are back online and have been restored. Lonnie has been chasing around a self-replicationg bug the past few days that was attacking our scripts and webpages. It appears he found and removed the culprit and repaired the majority of our websites. Clean up continues, but for the most part it is All System Go.

Varisearch-llc Systems and Live Webinar and Support:
TrEx traffic exchange and VS-Ten (aka VS-10) is a traffic exchange swap network that services both traffic exchange owners and surfer members alike.

VS-Ten for Members: This past week Varisearch rolled out the Traffic Reminder system. Surfer Members of VS-Ten will find a list of all the traffic exchanges in the network. You can join an exchange from VS-10. You can also then tell the system which exchanges you belong to. When you log into each exchange and surf, it will record that for you. Each time you go to your VS-10 back office, you can see what exchanges you surfed and the last surf date. Up next, Rich is rolling out the downline building.

VS-Ten for Traffic Exchange Owners: VS-Ten is a credit-based swap system. You receive credits for bringing pageviews into your exchange for your members to view, you are charged credits for the pages sent to the network that are shown on other sites. The mechanizim that brings pages into your exchange is called the OutBound link. You will find this important link in your VS-Ten back office under Owners, My Traffic Exchanges. Typically you, the owner or Admin, will set up an account called VS-Ten and then add your site’s OutBound link to your exchange and assign credits to it so it can then go into rotation on your exchange. As members surf, the link enters the surfbar and displays a page from the VS-10 Network. You receive credit for that view. To increase the number of outgoing pageviews – and thus your credits with VS-Ten – simply increase the number of OutBound links you add to your exchange. Some Admins will also set up additional VS-Ten accounts on their site – each with a number of the outbound link - to increase the number of pageviews they show to the members of their exchange.

The Win Network:
The new powerpoint slide show is in place and Doug presented it in Sunday’s session. At the end of the presentation you can advise members that they can still subscribe to Xtream for the $9.95 pre-launch special through 4-4-09. April 5 is the official rollout of the Xtream Global Online Business Systems and the end of the $9.95 special.

Network Partner Notes:
Evergreen Traffic Exchange, Judy Young, Admin –
Hats off to our faithful surfers...They sent over 200,000 site views to members pages this week! Make sure that you are getting your share of all that traffic by keeping your account active and credits assigned to your sites. There are a lot of websites that do not have credits assigned to them. Please login surf a bit and assign credits. Remember to surf a little and assign those credits while you are there checking your sites. New members, activate your account by surfing 100 sites and claim your credits. Be sure to add a site into rotation. Note that all members must surf 100 sites every 30 days to remain active. Inactive members will be removed, so be sure you have surfed in the last month.

My-Traffic-Plan Traffic Exchange, Andy Wotton, Admin and VS-TrEx Coach -
Surf contest continues through March 31 2009. Full details for the autosurf found at, manual surf details at Take advantage of our 2Yr Anniversary Special
Best of luck in the contests....Remember, being persistent and consistent with ALL your advertising really pays off - put Your-Traffic-Plan in action today! Thank you for supporting Contact/Support:

Best Bet safelist, Derek Barrington, Admin –
Best Bet has a hosting service and new url:

Andy’s Advice:
This is just a reminder to those who have not joined Team OrangeMoon as yet, there is new incentive to do so. You can join for free and they promote several programs but we do not recommend all of them. The latest program they are promoting is F5M. I am sure you have seen this program all over the Internet. Their associated programs have been around for 15 years with a good reputation. Team OrangeMoon is going to build a team of 1000 members and join F5M as one big group. Everyone will benefit from being a part of this group. Currently they have 511 pledging to join. The cost is only a one time fee of $25.
After you join Team OrangeMoon, join the F5M group inside. Then send an
email to with the subject line "I WANT IN".
When 1000 have done that, each one will receive a link to be used to enroll
in F5M. I have secured a position for Xtream itself in this and wanted to make each one aware of this opportunity.
Andy Newsome

Tuesday live webinar training in Resource Center:
3pm Derek, 9pm Judy. 9pm is an excellent series in setting up your personal marketing campaigns and strategies and covers many topics.

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