Friday, March 13, 2009

03-13-09 Xtream Global Marketing Member News

*From the xtream iChannel: (*aka The Not So Daily News)

In Brief:
Hit Hornet and Rosebud Surf are back online.
Smokin Hits is back online
John Gebhardt of Seafast traffic exchange has opened a new safelist

Update for Camelot traffic
It was brought to my attention that people were having error messages when trying to join camelot traffic. When joining the script will ask you for a website name. The name has to be one word. for example if it were perrys blog you would have to write it as perrysblog. that is the only way the script will accept it. Hopefully this helps. Perry Shute Xtream Marketing
Xtream Meetings: Reminder that we will hold the first All Xtream Members meeting Sunday, March 22 in ourResource Center. We roll out the new Xtream Global Marketing System and Affiliate Program and introduce the compensation package to all members. As announced earlier, prices change 3-22-09. You have less than 2 weeks to bring members in under the $9.95 monthly plan.

This Weekend Webinar Series:
(see related article at
Rich Parker, founder of the Varisearch traffic system, and Andy Wooten, VS-10 Coach, present information Saturday and Sunday in the VS-10 Conference Room. The sessions are for both surfers, as well as site owners involved with either VS-TrEx or VS-TEN. Even if you only surf a VS-TrEx site (like My-Traffic-Plan Traffic Exchange), the intro classes may help you understand and use the systems more effectively.

Many of the Xtream Traffic exchanges are now plugged into VS-10. This means your websites are seen not ONLY at the traffic exchange you joined, but across a very large network of other exchanges. It is not unusual to send thousands of hits across the network everyday. We served close to 7,000 page views across the Network for our members at Workdigital traffic. We had similar results from our other venues including Auto Traffic Magic, Cashflowpc traffic, Majestic Surf, Storybook Surf, and Xtreamsurf. Wild Rose Marketing has many exchanges plugged into the system as well. It is crucial to note that only websites which are ACTIVE are shown to the network. This means you must be an active member AND have credits assigned to your sites. If you have not logged into your account at a traffic exchange or surfed in 30 days, your account goes inactive and your sites are deactivated as well. Now is a great time to reactivate your account and websites! Do this by surfing.

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