Wednesday, February 11, 2009

02-11-09 Xtream Global Marketing Member News

From the xtream iChannel:

Heads up:
VS-Trex and My-Traffic-Plan Update:
Rich Parker is on the final stages of finalizing VS-TrEx 2.00 - a major update for the traffic exchange software going out to the owners. Andy Wooten is close to rolling out the new VS-Ten/M-t-p webinar conference room and a schedule for live webinars and support for the VS systems.

Xtream Glogbal Program Notes:
Please use to contact Xtream Global Admin.
Log in for the Xtream Affiliate program is:
Access your resources and Digital Products:
If you have forgotten your password to that program, please use to recover it as Admin cannot look that information up for you

This week in live webinar:
Training Room: Monday Professionals Meeting
Resource Center: Tuesdays and Thursdays
VS-10 M-T-P Center: TBA
WIN: Monday through Saturday at Win Network

Xtream Network email advertising services:
Pro FFA membership sites. Send your email ads to the database once daily:
ClassifiedEzineFFA, First Learn How FFA, Supreme Business FFA, Wise City FFA, Work Digital FFA, Xtreamsuccess FFA, Xtream FFA.
We have a number of safelists in our network as well. Some of the safelists have a save and auto send feature. This keeps you from having to log in everyday to send your ads. See for the links to all those venues.

Xtream Professionals Notes:
Who is Corey Smith? Corey is an Xtream Professional who serves on the Traffic Exchange committee and is an active team surfer.

Getting the Most out of Xtream:
Part 8:
By now you should have joined the majority of our programs, requested upgrades, and activated your accounts. You should also have downloaded your desktop tools and started using them. Downloading items from the Library will take time as there are so many of them – so plan on doing that on a steady basis. You will want to come to some of the sessions to get live support and assistance in setting up or using resources. Ensure you have enrolled in Building Blocks. Blocks is the downline builder for Xtream Global. Once you join, log in and replace the program links listed with your own referral links. As you promote Blocks, people will join the programs you have added your referral links to under your sponsorship. There is a separate upgrade to Pro member that allows you to email your team 5 levels deep.

Recommended Venues Updates:
TNG Pro:
The Network Garage – business network that is also a feeder into several team building programs that provides some upgraded marketing resources…. Team Build underway at: … All Teamed Up, Total Team Profit, and My MLM Toolkit. Andy Newsome, Xtream team manager in TNG.

WIN ( Wealth Information Network) Notes:
Xtream presents several times daily Sunday through Saturday. Plan to attend any WIN session to get your golden dollars and register to win money or vacation package. To date, someone from Xtream has won a prize at Win every week since December 2008.

TopTierTraffic Manual Traffic Exchange Xtream Team Notes:
Xtream Global is inviting team members to get xtream this week (see Get the Xtream Team). If you are in our downline, please send me one link so I can add it to our Team Account and assign credits. For the next message, please also send me the link and a short 3 line ad to place on the message website under Recommended. As a team member – your activity benefits everyone. So please surf, read your emails, promote, and etc. I will be adding additional credits to the sites belonging to active members who get on the top 500 Leaders Board. Contact me directly at

Smiley Traffic Exchange:
If you are an ACTIVE member of Smileytraffic under Xtream (cre2003), please let me know your account so I can send credits your way. You can email me through Smileytraffic or contact me directly at

My-Traffic-Plan Traffic Exchange:
Part of the VS-10 system. Xtream is in the process of establishing an MTP VS10 conference room to provide live support and training for both exchange owners and members involved in Varisearch. Andy Wooten, Manager.

The Xtream Traffic Exchange Report:
Work Digital Traffic Exchange Autosurf traffic exchange
Upgraded members can redeem your credits for Rotating Banner ads, Featured Ad Spots, and Log in pages – depending on your upgrade level. Details are found in your members back office and also at the Xtream Traffic Exchange blog. Mystery Featured Ad Spot is worth 2,000 credits.
Xtream Surf Autosurf and manual surf Traffic Exchange
Auto surf only 25,000 webpages, 500 manual surf pages, to earn a next level upgrade.

Cashflowpc Traffic Auto surf and Manual surf Traffic Exchange:
Auto surf only 25,000 webpages, 500 manual surf pages, to earn a next level upgrade.
Evergreen traffic auto surf traffic exchange:
Surf and referral contest underway.

Fresh Horizons, Auto Magic, Olympic Gold, and Storybook Surf traffic exchanges:
Progressive surf and next day bonuses continue.

Majestic Surf traffic exchange: autosurf traffic exchange with progressive surf timers, banner and text advertising. Xtream Global subscribers receive upgraded accounts.

Drag Bus Hits Auto Surf Traffic Exchange:
Tom also operates Premium Ads, an Ad Exchange service. View member ads for credits. Your ads seen similar to the way your sites are seen at a manual traffic exchange.

SeaFast Traffic Exchange:
Sign up special includes extra auto and manual surf credits, 2 weeks free upgrade, 1 week ptc. Seafasttraffic is running two specials exclusive to sft members only: a Lamp Post special and a free membership into A+ Certified Professional IT Technician's Blog valued at $9.95 to $29.95. Join, and then contact John for your sign up bonuses.

Smokin-Hits Traffic Exchange:
Tom runs a fantastic combination auto surf and manual surf traffic exchange.

Rapidfirehits traffic exchange
Combination manual traffic and autosurf traffic exchange with banner and text advertising with link spots available. Well established traffic exchange and one of the first exchanges I joined back in 2004 after discovering the world of online advertising. Patricia runs a good show and provides outstanding member support.

Mouse Trap Traffic Exchange is a manual traffic exchange with hover surf. Referral contest underway:
Ok, right now we have 68 members, if by the end of the week we are up to 100 members you all will receive 200 credits! If we are up to 150 members you will receive 500 credits! So go and recruit members! – Rob
Rob also manages Moon Fairy Traffic Exchange. It has some unique ways for members to spend their credits. They can use them for bids on Or use them to bid on the auction for special advertising deals. Or become a sponsor of the bonus pages.

Wild Rose Marketing Group:
Her sites include: (a combine-network) that is both an Auto Surf and manual surf traffic exchange. No free upgrade available however, your sites are shown on minimum 18 other exchanges in the network. This is her ‘combine’ safelist:
free upgrades at the following venues -,,, At she gifts you into the Silver upgrade and has a special discounted rate for Gold members. Gold members can start their own safelists, create their own webpages, plus access some other bells and whistles
She is offering sign up bonuses at:,
Elisbeth also provides upgrades to Xtream Members at both of the Wild Rose Safelists and her Wild Rose Marketing Ad exchanges.
Once you join her venues, contact Elisbeth with your Xtream info so she can upgrade you.
Other marketing sites in her network include:
Other services include Web Hosting and Design:
Digital Media/Resources:
Miscellaneous Sites:

Other Specials and sign up bonuses found at Xtream Traffic Exchange Listing Website. The specials Xtream Members receive at Network Partner traffic exchanges and other internet advertising specialties are found at the Xtream and Network Partner web sites.

Network Partners, please send your news for the Xtream Updates to Cherie at

The Xtream Members Weekly Digital Download:
This is an item that is found in your Xtream Members Digital Library and is available to those enrolled in the xtream iChannel. The majority of the digital products come with Rights - such as giveaway, reseller, and sometimes even rebranding rights.

This Week’s Digital Product Title: 2000 graphics pak
Digital Download Link: Available free for xtream ichannel subscribers. Free subscription. Find details at
Digital Product Notes: 2000 graphics and images. I have seen this package being sold elsewhere for around $39, also as an incentive on websites to purchase other products.

Got Questions about Xtream Members? Find Answers at Xtream Links: Consolidated Link Directory Classified Ad Exchange Classified Ad list FFA Network Traffic Exchange Network

Freddie Miller’s Top 10 Lists: Autosurf Traffic Exchanges Affiliate and Business Opportunities Top 10 Master Listings

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