Thursday, November 6, 2008

11-06-08 The Almost Daily Xtream Global Marketing Resource Center Report

From the xtream iChannel:

Please use to contact Xtream Admin

Got Questions about Xtream Members? Find Answers at

Work Digital Traffic Exchange is having a one week surf special. Autosurf 6,000 pages for a Gold membership upgrade. Daily prizes and win a Log in Ad spot. Congratulations to members 1251 and 1174 for winning a Featured Ad Spot for surfing 11-04 and 11-05. Each day Admin will randomly choose a surfer from that day. The FAS is good for 7 days. Congrats also to these members who have already surfed the minimum this week to get their Gold upgrade: 1105, 1251, 1141, 1077, 1065, 1247, 1113, 1203, 1061. Many more are on their way.

Member 1251 runs a really nifty seo related service which I hope to be writing about in a bit more detail the next few days. For now, simply log into your work digital traffic exchange back office and click on the Featured Ad Spot to see his site.

While we celebrate and congratulate these members, please know that so many more are part of the Wdt team that makes that venue WORK for everyone. All you need to do is log into your back office and look at the stats: daily, weekly, monthly. That tells you the complete story on who is working to send hits to YOUR websites. Work Digital Traffic exchange is only a tiny part of the entire Xtream Network.

When I sit back and look at all the venues, all the Admins, all the owners, all the members, all the Network Partners, all the tech support people, all the seo team members, all the trainers, all the Professionals, the people who actually PAY the bills for xtream to happen, as well as all those who do things I may not even be aware of on behalf of the Xtream Team day in and day out no matter what happens (and believe me lots of stuff happens)… I am simply blown away every single day. Xtream is not a one person show. Xtream is because many people – just like you – decided we should all be Xtream together. Point is this:

Thank you everyone for your efforts. You may think that turning on your surf at one silly traffic exchange is no biggie in the grand theme of things, you may not think showing up to man a scheduled training session when no one is there is useless, you may think that putting together a tutorial that will help someone tangible proof that you are doing your marketing and helping out the Xtream team in the process.

Heads up, Geneva will be sending out a more detailed email on this topic: starting NEXT Thursday, 11-13-08, we will start an SEO series. We will look at attendees websites, see how they are doing in the engines and then, as a Group, work on how we can boost those sites up. Something’s will be in the hands of the webmaster of course. Where we can help as a team, we will.

Surf contest at SeaFast Traffic Exchange extended to 11-15-08!

Beef up your marketing at Smiley Traffic Exchange:
With close to 38,000 members and growing daily, it is good online marketing strategy to purchase some of the advertising specials offered at Smiley traffic exchange. If you have no budget, you can surf to save up for internet advertising items as smileytraffic exchange is also a paid to surf site. One strategy to consider is having your program listed as a Smiley Traffic Exchange Site of the Week. Your website is shown as the first one when the members both auto surf and manual surf, so you get first exposure while the no click surf members are fresh and before the autosurf people wander off.

If you do decide to purchase some additional exposure for your websites at Smiley Traffic exchange, please drop Vern a note telling him that Xtream recommended you to his service.

Another good online advertising strategy is using a safelist submitter. While xtream members have access to a nice desktop submitter, there are some good web based submitters run by several of our Network Partners. Evergreen Autosend Safelist Submitter has a special exclusive for Xtream members. For only $4.50 a month you receive the Executive Level upgrade.

Freddie Miller’s Top 10 Lists:
Auto Surf Traffic Exchanges
Affiliate and Business Opportunities
Top 10 Master Listings

Getting the most out of your Xtream Membership
As an xtream global marketing member you receive upgrades at dozens of effective online marketing venues and internet advertising specialties that are valued at close to $200 monthly. There are a lot of venues, so it will take time to join them all – but it is time well spent, especially after you are upgraded and start using all the resources available to you to advertise your websites and programs on the internet. It is a well balanced portfolio of internet advertising resources that include free traffic and hits, links, seo strategies, and email marketing resources like safelists and the pro ffa memberships.

Email the databases at the Xtream Network Pro FFA sites:
You must be upgraded to Pro in order to use the emailing system. Xtream members are upgraded to Pro at these sites:

ClassifiedEzineFFA, Wise City FFA, Work Digital FFA, Xtream FFA

Another aspect is found in the digital download library. There are over 1300 digital products you can use to help build your businesses. They range from scripts and software, to desktop applications, website enhancements, as well as ebooks, video ebooks, and articles – many with reseller rights, plr, mrr, and give away rights.

Download Digital Library:
1364 digital download products as of 11-05-08. Total value of all the digital products is around $17,000.

Have you joined Building Blocks , and if you have joined, have you replaced the default referral id’s to the programs listed with your own? Blocks is the free affiliate downline builder for Xtream Global. It is a site you can then use to promote ALL your affiliate links in one central location. If you Admin a site and it is not listed in Blocks, please contact Judy Young from the Blocks back office so she can add your venue/s to Blocks. Building Blocks is ranked #1 in the FM Top 10 Lists in the List Building sites category.

The Xtream Traffic Exchange Report:

Smiley Traffic Exchange:
Smiley traffic exchange has over 37,754 total members. The traffic exchange is on a march to 60,000 members. They serve up over 4,000 hits daily on the auto surf, close to 200 page views daily on the manual surf. Congratulations on making FM Top 10 List.

Evergreen traffic auto surf traffic exchange:
Surf contest underway for the month of November. Congratulations for making FM Top 10 List

Fresh Horizons, Auto Magic, Olympic Gold, and Storybook Surf traffic exchanges:
Congratulations to Auto Magic traffic exchange for making the FM Top 10 List.

Drag Bus Hits Auto Surf Traffic Exchange:
Congratulations for making FM Top 10 List.

SeaFast Traffic Exchange:
Surf contest extended to 11-15! Sign up special includes extra auto and manual surf credits, 2 weeks free upgrade, 1 week ptc. Seafasttraffic is running two specials exclusive to sft members only: a Lamp Post special and a free membership into A+ Certified Professional IT Technician's Blog valued at $9.95 to $29.95. Join, and then contact John for your sign up bonuses.

My-Traffic-Plan Traffic Exchange:
Part of the VS-10 system.

Wild Rose Marketing Group:
Wild-Rose-Traffic Autosurf is moving. Once it is re-established on the new server, you will need to rejoin the venue.

If you are not a member of Xtream, Elisbeth Rooney is offering free upgrades for 90 days at Wild Rose Traffic combination Auto Surf and manual surf traffic exchange as well as Wild-Rose-Traffic Autosurf for first 500 new members. Those who sign up on the Xtream link at these exchanges also get sign up bonuses:, RosebudSurf, SwampSurf as found on Xtream Traffic. Xtream members receive permanent upgrades at her traffic exchanges and safelists.

Smokin-Hits Traffic Exchange:
Special items rotating on the surf. Smokin-Hits traffic exchange is one of the sponsors of the giant referral contest where you can win the Hot Spot Surf traffic exchange. Smokin-Hits traffic exchange is one of the Xtream Traffic, and the Xtream Network newest network partner. Congratulations on making FM Top 10 List.

Work Digital Traffic Exchange:
This week only through Sunday 11-9 surf 6,000 pages for a Gold Member Account. This gives you more url space and cr3dits than the Basic (fr33) membership.

Surf for Prizes:
Everyday Admin will randomly choose one active surfer from that day and award a Featured Link spot good for one week.

Everyday you surf, your name will be entered into a draw pot. On Monday 11-10, Admin will draw a name from the pot. The winner receives a Log in Ad to go in rotation for one week.

If you have not logged into your account or surfed in 30 days your account goes inactive and your sites no longer show on the surf. If this has happened to you, please log in so Admin can reactivate you.

Also, if you have not surfed the required 250 page views to fully activate your account, Admin cannot approve your sites. So, please surf! We have a number of sites pending waiting on the owner to surf.

If you joined us on a one month free Gold account, this week is a good time to have that reinstated! All you do is surf only 6,000 pages plus you have a chance to win additional items.

Surf for the Gold is a very easy do on the fast surf timers Congratulations for making FM Top 10 List.

Xtream Surf Autosurf and manual surf Traffic Exchange
Auto surf only 25,000 webpages, 500 manual surf pages, to earn a next level upgrade for November!

Cashflowpc Traffic Auto surf and Manual surf Traffic Exchange:
Auto surf only 25,000 webpages, 500 manual surf pages, to earn a next level upgrade for November!

Other Specials and sign up bonuses found at Xtream Traffic Exchange Listing Website.

Through 12-30-08: Win your own Traffic Exchange! Hot Spot Surf
Someone will WIN this manual surf traffic exchange 12-30-08. See the Xtream Blog Article for details.

Network Partners, please send your news for the Xtream Updates to Cherie at

Work Digital Training:
Work Digital members meet every Saturday 12noon Eastern in a workshop that focused on using the internet to market your websites and the Work Digital work at home opportunity. See for room details.

The Xtream Members Weekly Digital Download:

This is an item that is found in your Xtream Members Digital Library and is available to those enrolled in the xtream iChannel. The majority of the digital products come with Rights - such as giveaway, reseller, and sometimes even rebranding rights. Digital products are useful for yourself, and make excellent thank you gifts and incentives for people to join programs on your link. You can also set up your own ebook store, start your own JV, use them to build your own list or help grow your membership site. The possibilities are endless and with over 5,000 more products waiting to be uploaded to the library, you will never run out of material.

This Week’s Digital Product Title: PCS Color Pro Hex
Digital Download Link: vailable free for xtream ichannel subscribers. Free subscription. Find details at
Notes: 1.23meg digital download rar zip. Nifty little desktop software utility that gets you the color codes for your webpages and html ads.

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