date: 10-04-08
From the xtream iChannel:
Did you know that 33 cents a day gets you thousands of dollars in digital products, over $150 dollars monthly in upgrades at online marketing sites, live support and training, and progressive affiliate commissions simply by subscribing to Xtream Members?
Xtream is revamping some of the graphics and consolidating it’s look over the weekend. This will especially affect everyone’s main affiliate sites. We do recommend you get a tiny url for those as the are rather long. Lol.
Building Blocks is just about done remodeling the members’ area. You will want to log in and ensure your affiliate information is added to your personal Blocks.
Wowza! Smiley Traffic has reached another milestone! 41 Million in page shows. You can get this stat at the Smiley Forum
You may need to be a member to see the topics. Smiley’s traffic stats as of 2008-10-04 5:21pm Clicks Today: Manual - 45857 Auto - 326221 Manual Click % = 12 %
Xtream Member Checklist: Get organized continued! As you download the digital products from your back office, create a text document or spreadsheet for yourself which you will keep notes on. You created folders on your desktop to organize your downloads. Now, as you look at each one, make notes as to what your rights are, what kind of resource it is, and how you use it.
There are all kinds of downloads. Some are desktop utilities, some are enhancements to websites, some are articles or other types of information. Some downloads have sales pages you need to upload to your domain if you choose to do so. There are scripts and software. You OWN all this stuff so make yourself some type of record on what everything is!
Also, really important: say your computer crashes…. heaven forbid it does. Back this stuff up. Make copies. At the very least back up your document files that contains your notes. We do highly recommend you make copies of your downloads because - say 5 years from now you lose everything and have stopped your subscription with Xtream - you can recover all your stuff. Remember, the digital downloads are YOURS FOREVER. Back em up baby. (There is an Elvis Song in there somewhere.)
As mentioned yesterday, the main point is to get organized from the very beginning otherwise you will end up with 5,000 downloads and no idea what they are all used for. Back them up so you don’t lose them. As many of the digital products need to be uploaded to your own websites and domains, if you do not have one, you can get your own piece of the internet dirt cheap and with awesome support. Check out for details.
Article series: The Nature of the Beast. Posted to Smiley Traffic Forum. You will need to be a member of the forum itself to be able to read this article which focuses on Internet Marketing.
Xtreammembers Paid Subscription Report:
Total Paid Subscribers count - 14
Commission Levels: 0 regular, 7.5 Pro
Payout for commissions is scheduled for October 5, 2008
Subscriptions needed for Next Commission Level: 86
View the Xtream Progressive Affiliate Commission Plan on this link:
Value of Upgraded Resource is: $150.00 + monthly see
Digital Products Added Count:
415 digital download products added as of 10-04-08, 1,025 digital downloads remain to be added as of 10-04-08. We are not clear on the overall value of the download library, but the extra Pro Members items are worth $3600. (see Products include software and scripts - most with mrr, plr, give away, or other rights - in addition to ebooks, video ebooks, reports, and articles. Review each digital item you download for your specific ownership rights.
Got Questions about Xtream Members? Find Answers at
Pro FFA count:
ClassifiedEzineFFA - 784
Wise City FFA - 6465
Work Digital FFA - 4299
Xtream FFA - 5699
- The Traffic Report:
There are a number of sites without credits throughout the Xtream Network. Please remember to log into the exchanges and review your sites! Admin can approve your site, but until you go back in and add those credits, your sites will not show on the surf. This includes Olympic Gold, Majestic Auto Surf, Auto Magic, the Evergreen sites, the list goes on.
Hint: if you can’t remember to get back in to an exchange after you add a site for approval, set your account to Auto Add Credits! Works like a charm every time.
If your site remains unapproved by Admin for more than 24 hours - it is because you have not surfed the requisite number of sites. Please surf so Admin can approve your sites.
Also, members who do not surf in 20 days are set to inactive. Sites are deactivated until you log in and surf again.
Wild Rose Autohits traffic exchange has moved to a new server and a new script. Members of the old need to rejoin on the new exchange Once you have joined, Elisbeth will transfer credits and upgrades over to the new account. Nifty heads up on the new wild rose: there are these random banners and websites you click on for extra credits. Pretty cool.
VS-ten system is still undergoing updates. They hope to operational again sometime over the weekend.
Specials and sign up bonuses for many traffic exchanges found at
Surf for The Gold underway at Work Digital Traffic Surf 40,000 pages to keep your Gold upgrade or get upgraded to the Gold.
The October Surf Contest underway at Xtream Surf and Cashflowpc Traffic Surf minimum 40,000 pages for next level upgrades. Note: if you were upgraded in September and get downgraded early in October, please contact me at The PT script has a tendency to reset membership on the anniversary of when you joined the exchange. Let me know you were downgraded too soon.
IMPORTANT NOTE ON THE EXCHANGES: If you simply CANNOT surf, you can upgrade your account. The best way to do this is by subscribing to Xtream Members. It costs you only $9.95 monthly and you get upgrades at all the Xtream Network traffic exchanges found at Not only do you get upgrades at the traffic exchanges, you also get upgrades at other online advertising sites, a huge library of digital products you own for yourself, live support and training in our webinars, plus progressive affiliate commissions. $9.95 monthly gets you a powerhouse arsenal of online marketing and tools you simply will not find anywhere else.
Information on regular sessions found at
No Special Events scheduled.
- Reminders:
Remember to surf the exchanges, especially the ones found at Some of the traffic exchanges are set so you can surf 24/7. Surfing is what gets your sites seen by the members and also what sends hits, or traffic, to your websites. If you don’t surf, and no one else does either, a big nothing happens for everyone.
Remember to ADD credits to your sites. Xtreamsurf, Cashflowpc Traffic, and Workdigital Traffic traffic exchanges still have numerous sites no longer showing on the surf as the sites have run out of credits.
If the site you added at Work Digital Traffic still has not been approved by Admin, most likely it is because you have not surfed the requisite number of pages. You need to surf to have your sites approved to run on the exchange.
Network Partners, please send your news for the Xtream Updates to Cherie at
The Work Digital Report:The Saturday 12noon Eastern workshop was held today. Each Saturday we meet to discuss online marketing tools, resources, and strategies. See for room details.
The Xtream Members Daily Digital Download:
This is an item that is currently, or will be, found in your Xtream Members Library. For a limited time during our roll-out, Xtream will include a digital download for the xtream iChannelers everyday in the xtream iChannel Daily Report. It is a sample of what is available in our overall Xtream Members Digital Download Library. It can be an internet advertising specialty resource, plr, mrr, digital script, computer software, ebook, pdf ebook, video ebook, article, or information.
The majority of the digital products come with Rights - such as giveaway, reseller, sometimes even rebranding rights. Check each digital product for your rights. These items are not only useful for yourself, but make excellent thank you gifts and incentives for people to join programs on your link. You can also set up your own ebook store, similar to what Dave Williams has done with his online shop. You can also start your own JV! The possibilities are endless.
- Today’s Title: Graphical Opt In Box Collection
Download Link: available for xtream ichannel subscribers - free. - Notes: 1.87meg. All rights. Graphics, oto, mrr, sales page, free bonuses.
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